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Unleash The Purpose In Your Practice : How to Implement Your “Why”
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Simplifying Google Local Service Ads for Dentists
01 Nov, 2021
How to Tell Your Brand Story What’s a brand story and do you need one? The truth is you already have one whether you like it or not. Your focus should be controlling the story being told by providing incredible experiences to your patients and support to your community. Is your brand story working for you? What is a Brand Story? A brand story may seem complicated and a bit elusive. While in fact every company already has one. A brand story can be thought of as an impression. Just the same as when you make a connection with a person, an impression is inevitably made. The impressions and opinions others form about us we don’t have complete control over, but we can influence their perceptions of us. Just like the outfit we chose this morning can create an impression about us. If we dressed in slouchy comfortable clothes we might be perceived as laid back or unorganized. While a tailored suit conveys confidence, importance, and structure. One is not more correct than the other, what matters is it is true to you. Because the story you are portraying will attract those with similar beliefs and values. So be sure you are putting out there what you want to attract. A brand story goes much deeper than listing off services you provide and your about page. A brand story that works for you will convey your values, mission, beliefs, appeal to your ideal demographic, and be relatable. A purposeful authentic brand story builds a strong loyal clientele advocating for you. Just as our clothes, speech, stories, and how we carry ourselves all influence the perceptions others make about us. A brand story is essentially the same. The look and language used on your promotional materials from your website to social media posts, your office atmosphere, chair-side manner, and so forth all are interwoven into your brand story. Therefore, a brand story can’t be faked, it must be true. It’s your defining qualities and individuality setting you apart. The better you become at expressing your story the more you will draw in loyal patients. Why You Need a Brand Story An authentic purposeful brand story, peaks interest, increases conversions from traffic to patient, and patient to advocate. An advocate is loyal and tells all their friends and family about you. A purposeful brand story builds loyalty, brings clarity and decisiveness to your marketing strategy. It even has the potential to bring more peace to your career as you attract patients more deeply appreciative of you and your work. How to Shape Your Brand Story Foremost it needs to be true to you. Your brand story includes all impressions you and your staff make in-person and online. Your communication and interaction whether in person or digitally should be authentic, relatable, comforting, and memorable. A great place to begin, according to entrepreneur Simon Sinek, is to Start with Why.1 Why did you become a dentist? Why do you practice as you do? Why do you believe in dentistry? Become familiar with your why so you can better communicate your values, beliefs, and story to others. This creates emotional bonds increasing patient loyalty, and grabs the attention of potential new patients. Emotion drives decisions and logic justifies them. If you can create an emotional connection you build trust and loyalty. More commonly Why is not where people start, most start with What. What is logical and Why is emotional . A What would be a description of services you provide. This is common on dental websites. Try to stay clear of clinical sterile language and descriptions. In contrast, a Why , is sharing why they will benefit from your services. A shared Why is uniting and memorable, and What is forgettable. Weave your beliefs and stories into your interactions, from web pages to social media posts. Second, know your ideal patient and use language comfortable to them. Be relatable, convey your values, and share your unique individuality. Even something as simple as letting people know you fish or golf is humanizing and will create a small connection to those that enjoy the same. Not everyone will be attracted to your story and that’s okay. An authentic brand story builds loyalty because it attracts those who share your beliefs and resonates with your Why . Share Your Why A brand story is relatable authentic content that is true to your mission. It targets the demographic you hope to attract, it aligns with your values and is a part of your story. Everything from your website to staff makes up your brand story. The better you refine your brand story the more you will attract the patients you enjoy serving. Without a purposeful story, it is easy to be lost in the shuffle. A brand story sets you apart, adds value, intrigue, peaks curiosity, and generates customer loyalty. References Sinek, S. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. New York: Portfolio; 2009.
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